Custom Pill Bottle Groom's Cake. The groom was a pharmasist so we made a larger then life custom medical pill bottle for his groom's cake. The pills are created out of fondant and the labeling and custom college logo (University of Louisiana) is created from sugar paper. The groom's cake was enjoyed at the [...]
admin2017-11-22T00:37:52-05:00Gold accented wedding cake. The client found an image on line and we tweaked it some to make it her own. This four tier fondant covered wedding cake will serve 125 guests. The wedding cake was enjoyed at the reception held in Atlanta, Georgia.
Baby Shower Cake 023
admin2017-04-05T03:45:03-04:00Whimsical Topsy Turvy baby shower cake is iced in Swiss vanilla buttercream. The custom colors created on this baby shower cake as the decor is done in fondant. This whimsical baby shower cake will serve at least 60 guests. The baby shower took place in Douglasville, Georgia.See all of this week's cakes on Facebook. Cakes [...]